Friday, March 9, 2012

A+ concepts for my reading or future referances

A+ concepts seems to be easy outside.But their is a lot in that to be studied.Well system admin is the basic starter for starting networking profession.
 So here I am going to discuss few concepts on system admin...
First of all we need to know what makes computer to work.

Well every one knows that a computer is an Electronic machine which performs arithmetic and logical operations. or executes the command given by the user or programmer.
Basically a system has few major components like
Monitor or output device,
Keyboard or input device and
 So have finally decided to work on my concepts but I need to plan care fully for doing any thing.
Their is a lot which I need to study for the field in which I am working.
Well finally arived to some conclusion to continue in this job for a month or two later take an exam on MSCE Certificate and jump to bigger company.Thats the only choice left for me.

Well some things have changed after I have written this blog.Still I am waiting to take up the exam but have not been able to do what i wanted.